Data Sonification Archive

This curated collection is part of a broader research endeavor in which data, sonification and design converge to explore the potential of sound in complementing other modes of representation and broadening the publics of data. With visualization still being one of the prominent forms of data transformation, we believe that sound can both enrich the experience of data and build new publics.



Human Myozin III Protein Sonification

Adomas Palekas | 2023

Sonifriday: How we echo

Berit Kruse, Christian Basl | 2023

Sonifriday: From sky to glass

Berit Kruse, Christian Basl | 2023

Sonifriday: Early birds

Berit Kruse, Christian Basl | 2023

NOAA sea surface temperature 1981 - 2022

Carlos Pacheco | 2023

Hold the Line

Duncan Geere & Miriam Quick (Loud Numbers) | 2023

Spiders Song: The Music of Evolution (Phylogenetic Sonification)

Future Ecologies | 2023

Hydrological Soundscapes

Ivan Horner and Benjamin Renard | 2023

The 2008-2018 eruption of Kīlauea volcano

Leif Karlstrom | 2023

The 2018 caldera collapse sequence at Kīlauea volcano

Leif Karlstrom | 2023


Mia Forrest | 2023

Solar System Orbital data

Philip Bergstrom | 2023

Degen Blues

Andy Szybalski & Stephen Chau | 2022

A postcard from Antarctica

Benjamin Renard | 2022

The rhythm of flood occurrences

Benjamin Renard | 2022

Sonification-Enhanced Lattice Model Animations of the Protein Folding Reaction

Carla Scaletti, Meredith M. Rickard, Kurt J. Hebel, Taras V. Pogorelov, Stephen A. Taylor, and Martin Gruebele | 2022

SODA: SOnification of DAta for Learning Analytics

Eric Sanchez & André Cibils - LIP/TECFA University of Geneva | 2022

Mer de Glace - Sea of Ice

Julia Griner | 2022

Auditory Feedback of a Quantum-Driven Robotic Swarm

M. Mannone, V. Seidita, A. Chella | 2022

Sonification of Medical Data

Maria Mannone and Veronica Distefano | 2022

A Quantum Drum

Miles Blencowe | 2022

NASA'S Space Jam

NASA/CXC/SAO/K. Arcand/A. Jubett/K. DiVona, SYSTEM Sounds (M.Russo, A. Santaguida)v | 2022

The Sound of Sight

Omar Shehata | 2022

Sensing the Dynamic Universe

Paul Green | 2022


Renik Bell and Moon Hung | 2022

Can you hear a pandemic? This is what the waves of covid sound like inside the ICUs

Sara I Belled, Belen Almendros and Raul Rivas (Colpisa Agency, Vocento) | 2022

Sonification of Muonic and Non Muonic Events

Valentina Sulis | 2022

Transforming Realtime Air Quality and Asteroid Data into MIDI

uisato | 2022

Extreme Weather in Three Movements

Andras Blazsek | 2021

Hydrology basics: the Ardèche river at Sauze

Benjamin Renard and Chloé Le Bescond | 2021

Hydrological Principal Component Analysis

Benjamin Renard and Chloé Le Bescond | 2021

Hidden Climate Indices

Benjamin Renard and Chloé Le Bescond | 2021

Audio Universe: Tour of the Solar System

Chris Harrison, James Trayford, Nic Bonne, Leigh Harrison | 2021

Open Space Sonification

Elias Elmquist, Malin Ejdbo, Alexander Bock, Niklas Ronnberg | 2021


Enrico Dorigattti | 2021

The sound of the solar wind at Venus

European Space Agency (ESA) | 2021


Frank Ekeberg | 2021

Changes to an urban marina soundscape during COVID-19 lockdown in Guadeloupe

Frédéric Bertuccia David Lecchini Céline Greeven Rohan M.Brookere Lana Minier Sébastien Cordonnier Malika René-Trouillefou Eric Parmentier | 2021

Di Protonie Dati

HER: She Loves Data | 2021

Highcharts Sonification Studio

Highcharts and Georgia Tech | 2021

Sound of a close Venus flyby

ISA and European Space Agency | 2021

Accelerometer data during BepiColombo’s Venus flyby

ISA and European Space Agency | 2021

How a spacecraft ‘feels’ a planetary flyby

ISA and European Space Agency | 2021


James Trayford | 2021


Jeff Cooke, Jeff Hannam (RMIT, Melbourne, Australia), Garry Foran (Swinburne University, Melbourne) | 2021

The sound of silence in Granada during the COVID-19 lockdown

Jerónimo Vida Manzano, José Antonio Almagro Pastor, Rafael García Quesada, Francesco Aletta, Tin Oberman, Andrew Mitchell, and Jian Kang | 2021

Social Milieus Sonification

Joachim Allhoff | 2021

Jewel-Box Star Cluster Sonification

Joaquín Pino | 2021

Colorscape - Huesintogrooves

Kofi (IllestPreacha) | 2021

Colorscape - Dipincode

Kofi (IllestPreacha) | 2021

Sound of the solar wind at Mercury

MPO-MAG and European Space Agency | 2021

Sonification of the public transport data

Max Alyokhin | 2021

Exploring the history of the early Milky Way with sound

Montalbán, J., Mackereth, J.T., Miglio, A. et al. Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) | 2021

LISA for 3 string quintets, lights, and electronics

Panagiotis Botzios | 2021

Stairway to Helheim

Permagnus Lindborg | 2021


Phia Damsma and John Norgaard (Sonokids) | 2021

Supernova sonification

Raffaella Margutti | 2021

Soundscape in Times of Change

Sara Lenzi, Permagnus Lindborg, Juan Sádaba | 2021


Studio Tilt | 2021


Tim Ziemer and the Master programs' students | 2021

Spider web sonification

Tomas Saraceno and Ian Hattwick, Isabelle Su, Christine Southworth, Evan Ziporyn and Markus Buehler (MIT) | 2021

A Quantum Soundscape

Viola Gatti Roaf, Cecilia Blencowe, and Miles Blencowe | 2021

Sonification of Multivariate Data to Illuminate Dynamics of Geyser Eruptions

Anna Barth , Leif Karlstrom , Benjamin K. Holtzman , Arthur Paté , Avinash Nayak | 2020

Waiting for the Extinction :-(

Band of Weeds | 2020

Major Flood Events

Benjamin Renard | 2020

El NiñOz

Benjamin Renard | 2020

A Dark Tour of the Universe

Chris Harrison and Nic Bonne | 2020


Clara Brasseur and Scott Fleming | 2020

The THC Code

Deraout ft. GenM | 2020

SARS Coronavirus Replicase Sonification

Eddie Martin | 2020

Assessing the changing urban sound environment during the COVID-19 lockdown

Francesco Aletta, Tin Oberman, Andrew Mitchell, Huan Tong and Jian Kang | 2020

Earth within reach: Sound of BepiColombo Earth flyby

ISA and European Space Agency | 2020

Approaching Earth: Sound of BepiColombo Earth flyby (accelerometer measurements)

ISA and European Space Agency | 2020

In Earth’s shadow: Sound of BepiColombo Earth flyby

ISA and European Space Agency | 2020

Oil, Coal & Gas for Three Cellos

Jamie Perera | 2020

Twelve Thousand Years in Fragments

Jamie Perera | 2020


Jamie Perera | 2020


Leona Holloway, Kim Marriott, Matthew Butler, Alon Ilsar, Chatai Goncu - Monash University | 2020


Locke Patton and Emily Levesque | 2020

The sound of BepiColombo's Earth flyby (magnetometer measurements)

MPO-MAG and European Space Agency | 2020

Amsterdam in and out of lockdown

Maaike van Cruchten en Frank Kloos | 2020

Real-time audio and visual display of the Coronavirus genome

Mark Temple | 2020

Viral Counterpoint of the COVID19 Spike Protein

Markus J. Buehler, MIT | 2020

Air Pollution During Lockdown

Pedro Sarmento | 2020

Loki's Pain

PerMagnus Lindborg | 2020

Exoplanet Watch

Rachel Zimmerman Brachman, Tiana James, Rob Zellem | 2020

Rotation of the Gas in a Galaxy

Robert Dzudzar and Niko Sarcevic | 2020

Impact of CoViD-19 recommendation measures monitored through urban noise levels in central Stockholm

Romain Rumpler Siddharth Venkataraman Peter Göransson | 2020

Mutual Air

Rosten Woo | 2020

Scientists use sound to track tiny organisms in the body

Shapiro | 2020

Multi-modal COVID19 analytics

Stephen Roddy | 2020

A4BD - Astronomy for the Blind and the Disabled

University of Patras | 2020

G4ViD - Geology for the Visually Impaired and the Disabled

University of Patras | 2020

COVID19 listening project

University of Surrey | 2020

Turning the yield curve into

Alan Smith, FT | 2019

Skin cancer detection by sonification

Avi Dascalu and Eli David | 2019

The Weep of Trees

Band of Weeds | 2019

Quasar Spectroscopy Sound

Brian Hansen, Joseph Burchett | 2019


Google News Initiative and Datavized Technologies | 2019

Anthropocene in C Major’

Jamie Perera | 2019


Jeff Cooke, Jeff Hannam (RMIT, Melbourne, Australia), Garry Foran (Swinburne University, Melbourne) | 2019


Jon Bellona | 2019

Translating Proteins into sound for designing new proteins

Markus J. Buehler, MIT | 2019

Earth’s magnetic 'song' during a solar storm

Martin Archer and European Space Agency | 2019

Earth’s magnetic 'song' during calm space weather conditions

Martin Archer and European Space Agency | 2019

Sonifying Bacterial Chemotaxis

Rhea Braun, Roseanne Ford (UVA), Maxwell Tfirn (CNU) | 2019

Breathe, River

Sara Bouchard | 2019

Sonification for cyber-attacks on water distribution systems

Sara Lenzi, Ginevra Terenghi, Riccardo Taormina, Stefano Galelli, Paolo Ciuccarelli | 2019


Allyson Bieryla, Sóley Hyman (University of Arizona), Daniel Davis (Harvard University), Wanda Diaz Merced | 2018

The Musca mulecular cloud: An interstellar symphony

Aris Tritsis | 2018

Sonification of Salmon Migration in the Snake River

Ben Robertson, Dr Middleton, Dr Hegg | 2018

Galaxy Player

Binary Dust | 2018

Fault Trace

David Johnson | 2018

Sonification of DDoS Attacks

Dima Bekerman, Avishay Zawoznik, Johnathan Azaria, Koby Kilimnik | 2018

Kepler Exoplanet Transits Turned Into Sound

Erin Braswell | 2018

On The Extinction Of A Species

Falk Morawitz | 2018

56Fe (2018)

Falk Morawitz | 2018

Whales Call

Google AI + NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) | 2018

Multivariable Data Sonification - Solar Activities

Gregorio Panerai | 2018


Interactive Architecture Lab | 2018

Sonification of DNA geometric structure

Maria Mannone | 2018

Weather Machine

Matt McCorkle | 2018

Tower of Hanoi

Phillp Hermans | 2018


Yuma ANtoine Decaux | 2018

trumpTones - sonification of a President

Alexis Kirke | 2017


Allyson Bieryla, Sóley Hyman (University of Arizona), Daniel Davis (Harvard University), Wanda Diaz Merced | 2017


Antonio Menghini and Stefano Pontani | 2017

Sonic Word Cloud

Daniel Ruten | 2017

Finland As Experienced By The Sea

Falk Morawitz | 2017

Sounds of a Magnetic Storm

Fiori Anastasia Metallinou and Vasilis Agiomyrgianakis (Ionian University) | 2017


Georgios Cherouvim | 2017


Inouk Demers | 2017

If the Oceans Could Speak

Jamie Perera | 2017

Saturn Ring Sonification

Jeongho Park | 2017

Sounding out the border wall

Jim Briggs and Michael Corey - Reveal | 2017


Jon Pigren | 2017

Afterglow Access

Joshua Haislip | 2017

U.S. Mass Shooting Fatalities: The Last 20 Years

Julia Smith and Knight-Mozilla | 2017

An auditory display tool for DNA sequence analysis

Mark Temple | 2017

The sound of a falling currency

Neal Razzell, BBC | 2017


Paul Vickers | 2017

The Conditional Orchestra

Rich Bultitude | 2017

While I was not there

Sara Lenzi | 2017

An empty stream, a great silence, an impenetrable forest

Sara Lenzi, Stefano Silvestri, Giosue Grassia | 2017

Molecular Soundscapes

Shelly Knotts | 2017

Victims of US gun shooting

Sophie Chou | 2017

Las Vegas Shooting

The New York Times | 2017

Sonification of the Total Solar Eclipse August 2017

Wayne Grim | 2017


Wendy Voorn | 2017

Near Surface Environmentally Forced Changes in the Ross Ice Shelf Observed With Ambient Seismic Noise

| 2016

Fathom; Hudson River Environmental Data as Music

Ben Neill and Mimi Goese | 2016

Deutsche Bank stock fluctuations made into music

Benedict Eris Carey | 2016


Binaura collective | 2016


Daito Manabe | 2016

Inner Resonance

Falk Morawitz | 2016

The Great Animal Orchestra

Fondation Cartier/United Visual Artists | 2016

A Sort of Joy

John Collins, Mark Hansen, Ben Rubin and Jer Thorp | 2016


Jon Bellona, John Park, and John Reagan | 2016

The Sounds of Migration

Kitti Balogh, Zoltan Varju | 2016

Geo Magnetic Storm

Konstantinos Vasilakos | 2016


LIGO Research Centre | 2016

A Comet's Life

Manuel Senfft & IGEP/TU Braunschweig | 2016

Artefact, Digital Necrophony

Mathilde Lavenne and Daniel Cabanzo, IRCAM | 2016

The Sound of the Economy: Data Sonification and the Cheeseburger Index

Matt Kenney, Foreign Affairs | 2016

The Four Inner Planets

Michael Quinton, David Benyon, Iain McGregor. Edinburgh Napier University. | 2016

A Galaxy of Suns

Michaela Gleave with Amanda Cole and Warren Armstrong | 2016

Sonification of Alaskan forest changes

Nik Sawe and Lauren Oakes | 2016

Pacific Belltower

PerMagnus Lindborg | 2016

A Sonic Memorial

Reveal News | 2016

Aurelia 1 + Hz / Proto viva Sonification

Robertina Šebjanič | 2016

Listening to Data from Space

Scott Hughes | 2016

Pulse (25 years of ocean tides)

Antonio della Marina | 2015


Beatriz García, Johanna Casado (CONICET), Gonzalo de la Vega, Wanda Díaz Merced (EGO) | 2015


Binaura Collective | 2015

Lee and Jackson

Brian Foo | 2015

Body Language - How pop musicians sing about the body

Brian Foo | 2015

Rhapsody in Grey

Brian Foo | 2015

Distance from Home

Brian Foo | 2015

Two Trains

Brian Foo | 2015

Music Eclipticalis

Brian Foo | 2015

Too Blue

Brian Foo | 2015


David Worrall and Fraunhofer Institute | 2015

Corpo Real

David Worrall and Udo Rink | 2015


Dmitry Morozov | 2015

Spin Dynamics

Falk Morawitz | 2015


Francesco Fabris | 2015

Cove App

Humane Engineering | 2015

Inventions for Data Stream

Marco Buongiorno Nardell | 2015

Water Viz

Marty Quinn | 2015


Nelson Guda | 2015


Permagnus Lindborg | 2015

Seismic Activity in Oklahoma

Reveal News | 2015

Kabbalistic Synthesizer

Sam Conran | 2015


Samuel Van Ransbeeck | 2015

Sonification of MBTA

Stephen Hensley | 2015

The Zones Project - Lost at Sea

Stephen Roddy | 2015


with Edwina Portocarrero and Gershon Dublon | 2015

Air Play

Brian Foo | 2014

Market Music

CNN Money | 2014

Sound of the Office

Dan Lockton | 2014


Dan Lockton, Flora Bowden, Rama Gheerawo, Clare Brass, Claire Matthews | 2014

The Poseidon Ensemble

David Johnson | 2014

LHChamber Music

Domenico Vicinanza | 2014

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Falk Morawitz | 2014

The killing of Nadeem Nawara and Mohammed Abu Daher

Forensic Architecture | 2014

Saydnaya - Inside a Syrian Torture Prison

Forensic Architecture | 2014

Lake Tahoe Sonification

Geoffrey Schladow, Matt Gilbert and UC Davis students | 2014


Gregory Reeves | 2014

Music made with Tennis Data

James Murphy | 2014

A Singing Comet

Manuel Senfft and European Space Agenncy | 2014

Crater (Cosmic Rays Telescope for the Effects of Radiations)

Marty Quinn/University of New Hampshire | 2014

Weather for the blind

Quintronics | 2014

One Year of Suicide in Japan for Piano

Rory Viner | 2014

Radiation as Music

Rory Viner | 2014


Samuel Van Ransbeeck | 2014

Solar Wind Audification

Solar and Heliospheric Research Group at the University of Michigan. | 2014


Yann Seznec | 2014

You will have to take my word for it

Brian House | 2013

FMS Symphony

CSV Soundsystem | 2013

Markup Melodium

Daniel Jones | 2013

Sonic Landscape #1

Fiori Anastasia Metallinou and Anthony P | 2013

Sonic Landscape #2

Fiori Anastasia Metallinou and Anthony P | 2013


Hannah Davis | 2013

San Giovanni Elemosinario

Jon Bellona and students | 2013

LISA Consortium: Gravitational Waves

LISA Consortium | 2013

Cosmic Microwave Background

Mark Ballora | 2013

Crab Pulsar Soundtrack

Mark Ballora | 2013

Bitlisten (Listen to Bitcoin)

Maximillian Laumeister | 2013

Grid Music

Mike Fell | 2013

Locust Wrath Series

PerMagnus Lindborg | 2013


Space F!ght | 2013

Sorting algorithms

Timo Bingmann | 2013

Project: Autobahn

Tom Zimmerman | 2013

Digiti Sonus

Yoon Chung Han | 2013

Listening to data from the Large Hadron Collider

lily Asquith | 2013

WikiIRC ou la sonification de Wikipedia

Baudu, Templier & Bloques | 2012

Quotidian Record

Brian House | 2012

The Last Gun

Constantine Zlatev | 2012

The Sound Of People

David Runge | 2012

An Instrument for the Sonification of Everday Things

Denis P Paul | 2012

audiolyzR: Give Your Data a Listen

Eric Stone and Jesse Garrison | 2012

Sonification Image 1

Gerard Paresys | 2012

Sonification Image 2

Gerard Paresys | 2012

Star's Song

Harvard Smithsonian/Wanda Diaz Merced | 2012

Sound of Money

Helena Davidova | 2012

Angry Pac

LazerLAB, Northeastern University, Boston | 2012

City Symphonies

Mark McKeague | 2012

World earthquakes

Monoroch | 2012

The Pirate Cinema

Nicolas Maigret | 2012

Sonification of Go

Peter Tigges | 2012

Love and the human outreach - Sonification of Kepler Space telescope data

Riley Winton, Thomas M. Gable, Jonathan Schuett, & Bruce N. Walker (Georgia Tech) | 2012

Deep Space Sonata

Silvya Zhu | 2012

Baltic Sea Radio

Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet Sola | 2012

Transit of Venus

Wayne Grim | 2012

Stadsmuziek/ Citymusic

Akko Goldenbeld | 2011

New York Metro System (MTA)

Alexander Chen | 2011


Bartholomäus Traubeck | 2011

Solar Wind: Sounds Of Space, Stereo Spectro

David Bithell and Roberto Morales | 2011

Chaos Atlantis

Ed Wrzesien | 2011

U.S. Home Prices, Sung As Opera

Jacob Goldstein and David Kestenbaum, Planet Money/NPR | 2011


Jones & Bulley | 2011

Data-Driven Elevator Music

Joseph A. Paradiso with Alexander W Dreyfoos, Brian Mayton, Gershon Dublon, Spencer Russell | 2011


PriceSquawk Audible Market Technology | 2011

Simulating the electroweak phase transition: sonification of bubble nucleation

R. Michael Winters, Andrew Blaikie, Deva O’Neil | 2011

HRTF Bells

Stephen Barrass | 2011

Fractions of a Second - An Olympic Musical

Amanda Cox, The New York Times | 2010

Max/MSP Stock Market Sonification

Ben Craven | 2010

Max/MSP Stock Market Sonification

Ben Craven | 2010

sMax, a toolkit for financial data sonification

Fabio Cifariello Ciardi | 2010

Submap Ebullation 2.0

Feles Daniel, Gergely Krisztian, Kiss Laszlo | 2010

The Stellar Choir

Francisco Camas | 2010

Carbon Composition

Guy Evans | 2010

Song of the tides

Levy Lorenzo - Stony Brook University | 2010

Solar Beat

Luke Twyman (WhiteVinylDesign) | 2010

Walk on the Sun

Martin Quinn | 2010


Micah Frank | 2010


Robert Jarvis | 2010

Christchurch Quakes

Tim Prebble | 2010

Secret Sounds of Spores

Yann Seznec & Patrick Hickey | 2010

What different sorting algorithms sound like

andrut | 2010

Share Market

David Worrall | 2009

Acoustic Astronomy

Fiorella Terenzi | 2009

Shallow Brown, The Musical Chess Engine

Jim Bumgardner | 2009

Kasparov vs Deep Blue

Jim Bumgardner | 2009

Credit Synthesis

Jonathan Vingiano | 2009

Hard Data

Luke Dubois and Mivos Quartet | 2009

The weather score project

Nathalie Miebach | 2009

Stock Market Music

Patrick Sebastien Coulombe | 2009

Playing the lottery in plano

Warren Burt | 2009


John Eacott | 2008

3D acoustic imaging applied to the Baikal neutrino telescope

K.G. Kebkal, R. Bannasch, O.G. Kebkal, A.I. Panfilov and R. Wischnewskic | 2008

Sand, snow, breeze

Tara Rodgers | 2008

Atmospherics/Weather Works

Andrea Polli | 2007


David Worrall | 2007

Stock Exchange Piece

Matthieu Saladin | 2007

The Satellite Sounders

Yolande Harris | 2007

Earth Sound

JT Bullit | 2006

Sonification of you

Martin John Callanan | 2006

Etna Sonification Project

Domenico Vicinanza | 2005

Music Algorithms

Jonathan N. Middleton, Andrew Cobb, Michael Henry, Robert Lyon, and Ian Siemer | 2005


Jerry Chamkis | 2004

Rock Music

Mara Helmuth | 2004

Sounds of the Universe

Paul Francis | 2004


Yeo, Berger, Lee at CCRMA | 2004


Isao Hashimoto | 2003

N.A.G. (Network Auralization for Gnutella)

Jason Freeman | 2003

London Fix

Tom Hamilton | 2003

Sonification Sandbox

Psychology Department's Sonification Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Bruce Walker | 2002

The Sound of Pulsars

Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester | 2001

Listening Post

Mark Hansen and Ben Rubin | 2001

Chesterfield Starfield

Stuart Jones | 2000

Earthquake Quartet #1

Andy Michael | 1999

The Cosmophone: Toward a Sensuous Insight into Hidden Reality

David Calvet Dirk Hoffmann (CPPM) Richard Kronland (PRISM) Claude Vallée (CPPM) Thierry Voinier (PRISM) | 1999

Life Music

M. A. Clark and John Dunn | 1999

Solar Sounds

Alexander Kosovichev | 1997

Using sound to extract meaning from complex data

Carla Scaletti and Alan Craig | 1991

Artwonk/ Musicwonk

John Dunn | 1986

Canadian Coastlines

Larry Austin | 1981

Earth Magnetic Field: Realizations in Computed Electronic Sound

c | 1970

Sound of Space

University of Iowa | 1962

New York Skyline Melody

Heitor Villa-Lobos | 1939

Sound Ranging

British Army | 1914